Wed, Aug 14, 8:49 PM (153 days ago)
On August 14, 2024, Retractable Technologies, Inc. filed a Form 8-K with the SEC, reporting its financial results for the period ending June 30, 2024. The filing indicates the company's compliance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and includes a press release as Exhibit 99 detailing these results. Retractable Technologies, incorporated in Texas, trades under the symbol RVP on the NYSE American. The company has not indicated any changes in leadership, mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy events in this report. The filing also confirms that Retractable Technologies is not an emerging growth company and has not opted out of the extended transition period for new financial accounting standards. The results are anticipated to impact the company's financial position and stock value, though specific figures or performance metrics were not disclosed in the summary provided.