8-K - PRECIGEN, INC. (0001356090) (Filer)
Wed, Aug 14, 8:23 PM (31 days ago)
On August 14, 2024, Precigen, Inc. filed a Form 8-K with the SEC, reporting its financial results for Q2 2024, which ended June 30, 2024. The filing included a press release (Exhibit 99.1) detailing the company's performance. Precigen is listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol PGEN. The report did not indicate any significant corporate events such as mergers, acquisitions, or leadership changes. Additionally, there was no mention of bankruptcy or material agreements. The financial results and their implications for the company's financial position or stock value were not detailed in the provided text. The filing also clarified that the attached information should not be considered "filed" for regulatory purposes unless specifically referenced in future filings. The Chief Legal Officer, Donald P. Lehr, signed the report, confirming its authenticity.