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10-K - Nissan Auto Receivables 2022-A Owner Trust (0001905655) (Filer)

Fri, Jun 28, 5:04 PM (71 days ago)

The 10-K report for Nissan Auto Receivables 2022-A Owner Trust, filed for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, primarily focuses on compliance and regulatory disclosures. As a non-accelerated filer, the entity confirms adherence to all required filings under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The report omits standard sections like Business, Risk Factors, and Financial Statements as per General Instructions J(1) to Form 10-K. Key highlights include: - **Compliance:** No material noncompliance with servicing criteria was identified in the Servicing Assessment Reports or Attestation Reports provided by Nissan Motor Acceptance Company LLC. - **Internal Controls:** No report on internal control over financial reporting was filed, as the entity is not required to do so. - **Legal Proceedings:** No legal proceedings or unresolved staff comments to report. - **Corporate Governance:** Sections on Directors, Executive Compensation, and related items were omitted. This report emphasizes regulatory compliance and servicing performance, with no significant financial performance data provided.