Wed, Aug 14, 5:15 PM (153 days ago)
On August 14, 2024, Londax Corp. filed a Form 8-K with the SEC reporting significant changes in its auditing arrangements. The company announced the resignation of its former independent accounting firm, BF Borgers CPA PC, effective August 12, 2024. Notably, the audit reports for fiscal years ending May 31, 2022, and 2023 were unqualified, indicating no issues with the financial statements. During this period, there were no disagreements or reportable events related to the audits. In a subsequent move, on June 10, 2024, Londax appointed Boladale Lawal and Co, Chartered Accountants, as its new independent registered public accounting firm. The company clarified that there were no prior consultations with Boladale Lawal and Co regarding accounting principles or audit opinions before their engagement. These changes in auditors could impact investor confidence and the company's financial reporting processes. The new appointment is part of Londax's strategy to ensure compliance and transparency in its financial disclosures as it continues to operate as an emerging growth company.