Thu, Aug 1, 8:35 PM (127 days ago)
At the 2024 Annual General Meeting of STERIS plc held on August 1, 2024, shareholders voted on several key matters. The meeting had a quorum with 93.55% of outstanding shares represented. The following were approved: 1. Election of the board of directors, including Dr. Esther M. Alegria, Richard C. Breeden, Daniel A. Carestio, Cynthia L. Feldmann, Christopher S. Holland, Dr. Jacqueline B. Kosecoff, Paul E. Martin, Dr. Nirav R. Shah, Dr. Mohsen M. Sohi, and Dr. Richard M. Steeves. 2. Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm. 3. Appointment of Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants as statutory auditor. 4. Authorization for the Board/Audit Committee to determine the remuneration of Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants. 5. Approval of executive compensation on a non-binding advisory basis. 6. Renewal of the Board’s authority to issue authorized but unissued shares. 7. Renewal of the Board’s authority to opt-out of statutory pre-emption rights for share issuance for cash. These approvals are expected to maintain corporate governance stability and support the company’s strategic initiatives.