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10-K/A - PEDEVCO CORP (0001141197) (Filer)

Tue, Sep 10, 8:51 PM (31 days ago)

PEDEVCO Corp. filed an Amendment No. 1 to its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, to rectify an administrative error regarding the consent of its auditor, Marcum LLP. The amendment replaces the incorrect version of the consent previously filed. No financial statements or disclosures regarding revenue, net income, operating expenses, or earnings per share have been altered or included in this amendment. The amendment also introduces new certifications under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, but omits certain sections related to internal controls. As of March 15, 2024, PEDEVCO had 89,355,267 shares outstanding, with a market value of approximately $22.88 million as of June 30, 2023. This amendment does not reflect any changes to the company's financial performance or strategic outlook. The original filing remains unchanged except for the corrections noted.